We have been operating in the field of psychiatry as a non-governmental medical facility since 1993.
MUDr. Martina Stegerová, psychiatrist
Aktuální informace
Od 1.1.2025 bude naše ambulance pracovat pouze v oboru Dětská a dorostová psychiatrie
MUDr. Stegerová si bude ponechávat v registraci pacienty do 19 let věku.
Nové pacienty do 19 let věku nemůžeme nyní z kapacitních důvodů přijímat.
V oboru Psychiatrie pro dospělé bude MUDr. Stegerová pracovat pouze pro pobytová zařízení typu Domovů pro seniory a Domovů se zvláštním režimem, Ústavů sociální péče.
Dospělí pacienti doposud registrovaní si mohou do 31.3.2025 zažádat o předání dokumentace k pro ambulanci, kde si zařídí novou registraci.
Care provided
Adult psychiatry
We provide comprehensive psychiatric care for:
Patients in specialized facilities
Clients of nursing homes
Counseling care for hospitalized patients
Treatment of the whole spectrum of pedopsychiatric diagnoses - most often:
Hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD)
Tic disorders
Eating Disorders (Anorexia Nervosa)
Behavioral disorders in mental retardation
Autism spectrum disorders
We have long-term cooperation with the Pedagogical and Psychological Counseling Centers, Special Pedagogical Centers, Preschool and School Facilities, Children's Clinical Psychologists, Educational Care Centers, Children's Psychiatric Hospitals and Children's Psychiatric Departments. For example: Liberec Hospital, Opařany, Louny, Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital, Children's Psychiatric Clinic, Motol University Hospital.
The care is fully covered by health insurance companies in the Czech Republic
We accept clients of all health insurance companies in the Czech Republic with the exception of Revírní bratrská pojišťovna (RBP)
Due to the high time load, we do not accept representatives of pharmaceutical companies in the surgery until further notice.