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Legal information

Data on the registration of a medical facility:

Decision on granting authorization to provide health services by the Regional Office of the Central Bohemian Region File no .: 122869/2014 / KUSK
of 17 September 2014 as a non-governmental medical facility


Pursuant to Act No. 372/2011 Coll., On health services and conditions of their provision, as amended, a complaint may be lodged against the provider's procedure in providing health services or against activities related to health services: patient, patient's legal representative, close person in if the patient is unable to do so due to his medical condition or if he has died, or a person authorized by the patient.

The complaint is first made to the healthcare provider against whom it is directed.

If the person who lodged the complaint with the provider (hereinafter referred to as the "complainant") does not agree with its settlement, he may lodge a complaint with the competent administrative authority that granted the provider authorization to provide health services and state the reasons for disagreement with the provider's complaint.

If the complaint is first sent to the administrative authority, it will be referred for investigation to the relevant health care provider.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April

2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data

Processing of personal data:

Dear patients,

Your personal data is processed in medical records in full compliance

with valid legal regulations, especially in accordance with Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on

health services and conditions of their provision (Act on Health Services)

and its implementing rules. Their security and protection is ensured in accordance with these regulations and in accordance

with General Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679 on protection

personal data (so-called GDPR). In addition to the possibility of access to your personal data processed by us, you have the right to request their correction or restriction of processing if you find that this data is

incorrect, inaccurate, changed, etc. The provision of your personal data is a legal requirement and you have as a patient

the obligation to provide them, just as a healthcare professional has the right to request them from you. The person you can contact is your doctor.

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